Friday, October 29, 2010

Thanks for all the fish

Saying farewell is never easy, especially after 3 years of dedication and commitment.

I started blogging on the 11th November, 2007 and am now taking a break. Maybe for some months, maybe forever. The decision to take this step is a carefully thought-out one, although I make it under an atmosphere of mixed feelings.

Over this time, Dangerous Writer evolved from starting as a Spanish-speaking site with the purpose of publicising my writing, to becoming an English written blog where I posted a serialized fictional story and a number of short tales.

However, keeping such rate of work has proved to be too time-consuming for me and too demanding for those who stop by. I must now move on to new projects, new commitments and new horizons.

Despite the circumstances in which I leave, I will always remember Dangerous Writer fondly. Over these three years, I made new friends, met excellent people and I wish them the best in their lives. I have been touched, moved and overwhelmed by the response I have received and I thank each and every one of you. I also wish to thank those who struggled to recover my disappeared comments from Blogger when my old blog was removed. I will never forget this.

And last but not least, I’ll always treasure the memory of those who inspired the best pages of this blog. Sadly, I haven’t heard from them for a while. I wrote each word, took each picture and edited each video for you.

Hasta la vista my friends, wherever you are.

The Author (a.k.a. Leni Qinan)

Monday, October 25, 2010

First time I do one of these

These are my two first memes since I started blogging, in 2007. Hence, the enthusiasm. Please don’t blame it on me: it’s Mago’s and xl’s fault.

Mago’s questions:

1) Do you believe in ghosts? Of course I do. In this blog there are ghost butlers, late wives and deceased ancestors who come back from the afterlife to change the destiny of some humble mortals.
2) Are you content with your life?No. I had great expectations, but to my shame also sundry failures that I will never overcome.
3) Have you ever been at or close to point blank?
I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I’ve lost it.

4) Is philosophy necessary? As a method of asking, wondering and knowing, it’s the basis of science.
5) Do you live with books?
Some of them live in their shelves and others -the ones I have written or are in progress- live in my laptop and in my mind, eagerly waiting to come to light.
6) Have you ever been on stage?Just once, on a school Christmas theatre play when I was little. Guess who the proud author was. I had my minute of glory.
7) Do you regularly read a printed newspaper?
No. I check the news on the internet and listen to the radio while I drive. It’s comfortable and updates are real fast.

8) Are you afraid of the future?
No. I’m more concerned about short time issues and worry about the ‘here’ and ‘now’. Who knows what will happen tomorrow. Maybe nothing.9) Do you know yourself?
I thought I did, but now I’m not so sure. I’m discovering through others some personal features about myself that remained unnoticed to me.

10) Will you play on?I’ll do something better: I’ll answer xl’s meme, if you can get an overdose of me.

Xl’s questions:

1) Coke or Pepsi?
Always Coke. I find Pepsi too sweet for my taste.

2) Do you play a musical instrument?Unfortunately not.
3) If you could go back in time, would you make a different decision in your life?
Yes, a few ones: personal, academic and professional.
4) Which sport do you consider to be "football?"22 guys in shorts kicking a ball on a grass field: i.e. soccer.

5) Do you like to travel?That’s one of my favourite activities.
6) Do you like PiƱa Coladas and getting caught in the rain?I'd prefer to make love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
7) Surely you like cats, right?
Sorry to disappoint you: I’ve never been a cat person. But I’m recently changing my mind.

8) Beatles or Stones?
Stones, of course.
9) Which foreign languages can you speak (regardless of fluency)?French, English –I think-, Spanish, Catalan, German –when I'm inspired-. I tried Italian and Japanese some years ago, but I gave up.
10) What special meal would you prepare for me?Some Mediterranean specialty, especially for you.

Thanks, Mago and xl!