When we left Chez François, Demonius stopped a taxi and went back home, visibly upset for not having been invited to our private party.
Leonard put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to his white limousine. We waited until the driver opened the door for us and he gently pushed me in. He didn’t miss the chance to hike up my skirt and spank my butt. I pretended to be surprised and that made him laugh loud. I remained stolid, expecting things would get worse in the next minutes.
We sat on the back seat of the car. He got real close and poured himself a long glass of whisky. Then, he took two blue pills from his pocket and swallowed them with the whisky in one gulp.

He removed his tie and undid the first button of his shirt, sweating like a pig. I started to worry.
- Hike up your skirt for me, Leni. –he said, leaning on the back seat-
That was childish, wasn’t it? I had heard that request a zillion times when I was at kindergarten. But now it was not that funny.
I pulled up my skirt a bit. I felt his fingernails gliding over my inner thighs, and around to my butt. He then pushed me towards him and ordered:

- Where? –I asked, naively-
- Right here, silly. –he answered, squeezing my pussy-
From that moment on, I decided to stop asking stupid questions.
He tried to pull my knickers down and finally ripped them off me impatiently. Then, he took them, pressed them to his nose and took a deep sniff, closing his eyes and moaning.
I didn’t want to have a quickie on our way to the hotel, so if I wanted my plan to succeed, I had to be fast and go at it full swing, or he would suspect.
Then, with incredible sangfroid, I asked him:
- Leo… why don’t we go to your hotel suite? I know a few games that you may like to play with me…

- Not yet, dude. I want you to pour your whisky on me and then lick it clean. But that will be when we are in your hotel. So for the moment… keep your hands off me.
His eyes flashed an evil glimmer.
- What a cockteaser you are –he said-
My heart was beating like a machine gun. He was so obsessed trying to remove my shirt, that I could manage to drop the sleeping pills in his drink when he was not looking. In the meantime, he started to finger me. I pretended I was enjoying it, just hoping he would end soon.
The car stopped in front of the hotel gate. I hurried him:

- Let’s do it here, slut.
- No. I can’t. I need some privacy.
Slut? Was he calling me slut? I actually needed some privacy to kick his balls too. Definitely, I was not good at that job. Gosh, when were the sleeping pills going to take effect???
The limousine stopped in front of the hotel and we rushed to his suite.
There, he pushed me on the sofa, ripped my shirt off and cupped my breasts with the palms of his hands. He grabbed my arms, as if I would be going to escape and whispered in my ear:
- I’m going to fuck you until you get sore, Leni. So you better get ready.
His fly was open and his erect dick was sticking out of it. He took it in his hand and asked:
- How do you like it? Isn't it gorgeous?
Suddenly, his eyelids started falling down slowly. His whole body loosened up and collapsed on the carpet, finally falling asleep on the spot, just as the airport chemist had predicted.
- How do I like your dick, asshole? Why don't you put your nose in your ear and blow your brains out? This is how I like your dick! –I shouted, kicking him in the ribs-
Leonard snored loudly on the floor, his erect dick still grotesquely showing through the fly of his pants.
It was 3am when I finally could get rid of him. He had been breathing on my neck all day. I tried to button up my shirt, but it was torn. I couldn’t find my knickers. My mascara had run and my lipstick smudged.
I took my handbag hurriedly and left the hotel suite. I looked so horrible that I took the emergency exit stairs instead of the elevator, just in case someone would come across me and call the police.
I walked down the streets and cried, feeling rage and anger, feeling dirty and devalued. And it was only my fault.
- I’m going to fuck you until you get sore, Leni. So you better get ready.

- How do you like it? Isn't it gorgeous?
Suddenly, his eyelids started falling down slowly. His whole body loosened up and collapsed on the carpet, finally falling asleep on the spot, just as the airport chemist had predicted.
- How do I like your dick, asshole? Why don't you put your nose in your ear and blow your brains out? This is how I like your dick! –I shouted, kicking him in the ribs-
Leonard snored loudly on the floor, his erect dick still grotesquely showing through the fly of his pants.

I took my handbag hurriedly and left the hotel suite. I looked so horrible that I took the emergency exit stairs instead of the elevator, just in case someone would come across me and call the police.
I walked down the streets and cried, feeling rage and anger, feeling dirty and devalued. And it was only my fault.
"Sullen girl" (Fiona Apple)
Oh, Leni....you naughty, naughty girl... hehe! Loved it! Love the fact that she was empowered and handled it so well. You wrote him so well I could sense how disgusting he was with his slimy breath and his perverted, beedy eyes ...eww! Now I can't wait for the next installment... methinks she will reconsider this line of work?
((abrazos y besos amor)). Hope all is well....
nice twists in your story... I hope you're enjoying your holiday.
Hi Rebecca!
Yes, he was ... eek! How can i put it you you... DISGUSTING!
Methinks she is absolutely considering to leave this job too.
((mil besosy abrazos))
PS.- Everything is fine, tanks! This is a scheduled post -I wrote it before my holidays- (I'm now spending a week in Holland and Germany, and the internet is not good at all where I am. I can't even visit your blog, so i may need some days until I'm back to catch up with your blog, but i promise to be back there soon).
((abrazos again))
Hi Sage! Glad you enjoyed!
As I said to Rebecca, I'm enjoying my holiday big time (I'm now in Holland for a week and then in Germany) but the internet is bad in the hotels. I can just answer to your comments in my blog (when I can login) but it's real hard to visit and comment other websites.
I promise to catch up with your blog as soon as possible.
Take care.
Oh, Leni, how wonderful! Please bring pictures and will 'talk' to you when you return! Enjoy your holiday!
Written in the style of a true Bond heroine. Does a girl really want to see a man eat Viagra? Artificial erections can't be very impressive. You should have called room service before leaving so the waiter would have seen his unconscious stiffy.
No No!
It was not your fault!
I loved this, I got a tad turned on I must say.
Hi Rebecca! I've already taken some 850 pics! Nature blooms all over here, and it's really nice!
I've even learnt a few words in the local language (real hard, I must say, lol)
((mil besos y abrazos))
Hi Michelle!
Oh dear, you're so sweet, but i feel responsible for the consequences of my decision (i.e. to work as an escort).
((Let me tell you a secret: there are even sexier posts than this one, and there will be...)) ;))
Take care!
OH wow sis, Le Femme Fatale!:-) This only goes to show that guys like Leo should know better than call and treat you like slut! LOL
Nice timing on the powerful pills too! Won't two viagra and your pills kill him? Hmmm, I really wonder. I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.
Un olibrius de la zigounette molle , un ramolo du bulbe rachidien ,un psychopathe de la nouille trop cuite , un ostrogot qui ignore les usages, les bienséances, tel que serait un barbare venu d’un pays lointain.
Tant mieux qu'elle ait refusée l'ostrogot et pourquoi ne pas avoir mit un altère dans ce petit sac à main ! hein ! Comme somnifère c'est plus rapide ... Et hop ! Un revers façon fitness dans les baboulles ,tout en souplesse ...Et hop sur la cabosse dans la foulée ,puisque les gosses sont en purée :)
( *un bisous tout en souplesse *) Souplesse rime avec ...?...!...Gentillesse bien sûr :)
Oh !! comme c'est drôle ( Type the characters you see in the picture above. ... galant
Tien ! Je constate que je ne suis pas très précis sur le z'objet du délit !?
Celui que les prétentieux nomme , la chose ou le grand chauve à col roulé ...Et que les petits garçons nomment ,le p'tit-oiseau ,le zozio ou simplement le zizi .Un certain nombre d'hommes lui donnent un surnom ...! Moi comme les petits garçons je n'ai pas beaucoup changé ,son petit nom est ...
...C'est long...
...ça prend de la place...
...Troglodyte mignon :)
Décidément j'ai de la chance ( Type the characters you see in the picture above.) super
Mr Bananas, first and foremost I hope you will forgive my mismatching the order of my back comments -don't think I forgot about you, please-. It was just a trick of this crappy internet connection that I'm suffering these days.
I love your analogy. I like it to be compared with a heroine from James Bond's films!
I dont think a girl wants to see a man having an overdose of Viagra -which should be kept for medical purposes, not to enable an endless erection-.
After the comparison... in all honesty, I prefer a natural erection. I see it as a part of the erotic forplay to provoke it, so in this sense, Viagra takes away part of the pleasure.
((I didnt call room service, just in case they would call the police!))
Men like that usually have bad breath...
Hi sis!
Hehehe, no dear, I ain't no femme fatale, but just a little flighty, hahah!
Anyway, I don't blame Leo for that -I think there's room for everything in sex, as long as you agree upon this with your partner- but myself: I should have calculated the consequences of that job.
I don't think 2 viagras and 2 sleeping pills can kill this guy, but just make him sleep 24 hours real hard! LOL.
Next chapters in process -to be published when I'm back in Sandwich!-
Mon cher Crabtree!
Que j'aime les devinettes!
Souplesse rime avec... f*ss*s?
(Le barbare vient de l'Orsinie, le pays imaginaire de Mme Ursula K. Le Guin). Le barbare est endormi, oui!
Type the characters you see in the picture above? Hm... je vais lire ton suivant commentaire, il me faut un peut de temps...
(*bisous des la Belgique*)
Quel est the picture above, mon cher Crabbers? OOOH quel est le nom?
Dear Mutts, this one smelled like a gas pipe!
naughty, tasty stuff! Hehehe... by the way, love "Sullen Girl"!
Hi again, Meatbag!
That's right, you will find many dashes of naughtiness over here (the naughty and crazy one: that's me, hahaha).
Take care!
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